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Nossos artigos em destaques!

Recruitment Software: Help for HR

by Riia O’Donnell The longer you’ve been in HR the more you’ve heard the complaints. HR is a drain on resources, HR is a cost center, HR is in red

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Recruitment Software: Pitching the HR Spend

by Riia O’Donnell You’ve done it a million times – pitched an idea for a product or service that would make HR’s life easier, and the answer is always the

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Agile HR – Recruitment and Selection

by Riia O’Donnell Are you an Agile HR Department? Should you be? Agile principles started in software development over a decade ago. Frustrated developers, wasting time sending concepts, corrections, and

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Be an Author on Rankdone

Do you want to be an author of tests on Rankdone? This text explain in some details how to be an Rankdone author. There are good tips on creating a

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Getting the Right Applicants Past HR

by Riia O’Donnell Recruiters tend to be a skeptical bunch. The longer you’re in the field, the more you realize there’s a bit of exaggeration on every resume you read,

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Bridging the Language Gap Between HR, IT and More

By Riia O’Donnell IT recruitment is challenging. Nothing is more frustrating to an HR professional than spending time interviewing candidates who are not qualified to fill the job. Hours are