Three Ways to Speed Time to Hire

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    24, jul, 2018
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When it comes to hiring, time to hire is top of mind for every business. In addition to getting the new hire up and running, the competition in the marketplace is forcing the hand of slow recruiters who frequently lose out on talent that’s snatched up by another company. A recent survey showed the top tech hiring companies have a range of hiring times that may affect whether or not they attract the cream of the crop. Wait times to hear hiring decisions averaged one week, but for some tech giants, the wait could be up to 4. At Microsoft, candidates were informed the same day. It may be no wonder they’re able to snag the best of the best. Most companies don’t have the resources to attract and hire that quickly, but there are ways to speed up your time to hire. Some quick tricks can improve your stats when it comes to converting applicants to new hires: Get mobile More candidates are applying with their smartphones than by any other means. Mobile optimization of your recruitment process is a must. Whether you use a career page app or link to your company page, allowing applicants to view open positions and go directly to the application process is not only faster (most have a version of their resume saved in their phone), it shows your company is not behind the curve when it comes to tech. For tech applicants, this is almost a must-have to attract top talent. Take it to text The majority of applicants include their smartphone number with their application or resume. Rather than play phone tag and leave voice messages, text them to acknowledge receipt of their materials, ask initial questions, refer them to Rankdone testing, and set up interviews asap.  Mobile open rates hover around 100%, while email open rates average about 20%. And 95% of texts are read within the first 3 minutes of receipt. If you want to speed up time to hire, why wait? Data also shows millennials prefer texting to any other means of communication. Speak to them in their language and strike while the iron is hot. Decide quickly but carefully Once you have your Rankdone test information and you know they have the necessary  skill set, there’s very little reason to sit on a decision. The candidate has the talent and you have a need. Don’t assume the job seeker is sitting around waiting for you to call (or text). If they don’t hear from you quickly they will quickly move on to the next offer. While some data may be slower coming, like references or background checks, feel free to make a conditional offer of employment in the meantime. Letting the candidate know when they will start (providing the screening is positive) can take them off the market, and away from the hands of your competitors. These three quick tips to increase time to hire can help improve your conversion rates, but remember, to assure they have the skills you need, count on Rankdone to verify their qualifications. Contact us today.    

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