Tech Recruitment: The Hiring Manager/HR Relationship

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    23, maio, 2018
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Whenever there’s a vacancy, the pressure to hire is significant. Work isn’t being performed, colleagues are picking up the slack and management is concerned. For Human Resource professionals, the focus is on filling the position quickly and effectively, typically with speed a top priority. For hiring managers, number one on their wish list may not be speed at all. Whether it's IT management, or any other stakeholder in the hiring process, communication is key to satisfy everyone’s needs. Determine priorities Whether it’s an entry level hire, or someone at the top of the food chain, both the hiring manager and HR should create a list of priorities for the job, as well as for the hiring process. Once you’ve established some baselines, the process should run smoothly. What to look for in a candidate You’ll probably be starting with a job description to begin the hiring process. Make sure it’s current and accurate, then discuss with the manager what their priorities are. Are they looking for an exact match when it comes to experience, or do similar functions fit the bill? Are any degrees needed for the position, and if so, would credentialing be a viable substitute? Is there a minimum of experience needed? Would a candidate with nearly that amount suffice? Ask the hiring manager to rank priorities needed in a job seeker, so recruiters can be conscious of what weighs most heavily when they prescreen. This could be a time to discuss hiring conditions and whether or not some flexibility may be required in a challenging applicant-driven market. Some aspects to discuss:
  • Quality of skills
  • Years’ experience
  • Longevity in past jobs
  • Are there any soft skills, like communication or leadership that may not be outlined in the job description required?
  • Starting salary
  • Determine a channel for feedback on the quality of candidates
What to look for in the hiring process Everyone says they need to hire ASAP. But ASAP means different things to different people. Ask the hiring manager to be specific about the timeline they hope for when filling the job: again, a discussion about market conditions may be needed. Some aspects to discuss:
  • Anticipated time to hire
  • Onboarding/orientation time
  • Availability of hiring manager to interview
  • Flexibility in salary depending on market conditions
  • Determine a channel for feedback on the hiring process
Plan for change As with most endeavors, it’s always a good idea to plan for disruption. Market conditions, specialty hiring, even pressure from coworkers can shift priorities during the hiring process. HR and hiring managers should be ready for any changes or corrections needed along the route. Plan to discuss them and readjust priorities, if needed, to keep the process on track. For HR professionals and hiring managers who use Rankdone to prescreen and prequalify candidates, one less task is removed from the process. Each potential hire has already been proven to have the skills and expertise needed for the position. From there, stakeholders need only decide which, of their other priorities, will determine who gets the job. Contact us today.    Imagem Inserida
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