Recruitment Software: Help for HR

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    30, nov, 2016
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by Riia O'Donnell The longer you’ve been in HR the more you’ve heard the complaints. HR is a drain on resources, HR is a cost center, HR is in red ink on the bottom line. HR pros may have difficulty touting their value, but the value is there. The department serves two functions: compliance and development. For most HR professionals, compliance takes the majority of their time, leaving development, and its potential to add to the bottom line, by the wayside. Today, recruitment software can create more time for HR professionals. Consider the evolution of Human Resources. Initially, the work was primarily a function of accounting: hiring and payroll. As the need to more thoughtfully acquire workers grew, so did the Personnel Department.  Legislation and safety issues evolved HR into compliance mode.Here they administer the onslaught of laws that insulate the company from its staff and the legal profession.  For firms that have never been the subject of an employment complaint, HR is viewed as a drain on resources and all-around buzz-kill. For those who have been sued, they’re a necessary evil to keep the wolves at bay. Another shift brings Talent Acquisition, Chief Happiness Officers, and a host of other creative titles designed to rebrand the function. HR is no longer a compliance-based department, but one that values and grows it’s Human Capital. HR is asked why they aren’t developing staff: onboarding, taking surveys, increasing engagement, developing ascension and succession plans. All the while, the compliance aspect of the work increases. A new shift is in the air. HR functions are being outsourced at an alarming rate, They're being replaced by online providers that service payroll, benefits, leave tracking, and more. As online companies vie for market share, will they want your corner office? Savvy HR professionals see this trend as a blessing, rather than a curse, particularly with a new type of recruitment software. What you could achieve if the menial, time wasting, compliance-based functions of HR were off your desk? If you could actually spend time developing staff as individuals, groups, and teams? Rankdone Works Seamlessly with Recruitment Software Just as online job postings sped the search process, recruitment software and SaaS can speed or eliminate the grunt work of screening dozens (or hundreds) of applicants. Rankdone allows you to outsource applicant screening almost entirely. You only read resumes of qualified candidates, instead of wasting time screening. You could actually move on to staff development. HR professionals must make the case that outsourcing can provide them time to focus on development, potentially making HR a profit center. The tech is there to enable HR to move on to value-added work that grows the most valuable resource a company has – its employees. Rankdone is the first step. The question for HR professionals today isn’t whether they’ll be outsourced. It's  which tasks they chose to outsource to free time to focus on their value: staff development that drives the company success. Will you be replaced by an algorithm, or will you use them to increase your value in the company? In next week’s blog, we’ll show you exactly how to Pitch for an HR Spend. Find out how Rankdone's recruitment software (SaaS) can reduce the time it takes to hire for IT, Finance, Sales. Move away from applicant screening and show the value HR provides your company.    Imagem Inserida
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