Gaining Diversity In Tech

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    16, out, 2018
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[caption id="attachment_1352" align="alignright" width="300"] People carrying light bulb icons[/caption] It’s widely agreed that a diverse workforce sparks innovation. And what industry thrives (if not depends) on innovation more than IT? The tech that we depend on today was likely not even conceived 5 years ago, and the tech we can’t live without in the coming years may be only a spark of innovation today. Innovation relies on many points of view But as much as it’s agreed that diversity of thought and experience drives innovation, the tech industry has lagged behind in creating a welcoming environment that attracts women and minority candidates. Some believe initiatives have stalled due to diversity fatigue: as an effort to simply increase numerical representation has become frustrating and counter-productive. Silicon Valley has experienced the syndrome firsthand as advocates for increased representation of women and minorities say it’s time to look for new ways to address the issue. Changing Cultures While many businesses are trying to address the “bro-network” that dogs their company’s reputation, others are turning to tech (naturally) to solve the problem. The use of blind hiring practices that rely on AI to screen candidates without regard to any data points that would reveal sensitive information like gender, race, ethnicity or other protected classes are on the rise. Employers are looking to increase representation from without, but also need to look within. Recruitment is Only Step One As many diverse candidates as an employer chooses to bring in, without a culture that supports their needs, and addresses their concerns in the workplace, may be doomed to fail. As new hires look to find their place in the organization, an atmosphere that is welcoming is only a first step. Seeking out their point of view and giving it value and consideration is needed. For businesses to be effective in their diversity initiatives, inclusion initiatives must work hand-in-hand. You can hire as many women as you like, but if the “bro-network” devalues their input, you’re simply creating a revolving door of recruitment costs, rather than a diverse workforce. Becoming an Innovation Inspiration Businesses committed to innovation must be committed to diversity. New ideas and points of view, challenges to the well-worn and old hat ways of doing things can only result in growth and change. In the dog-eat-dog world of business, innovation is key: in tech, it’s mission-critical. Only the most innovative will survive and thrive. The first step may be blind recruitment practices, but business still needs verifiable talent to grow and prosper. That’s where Rankdone can help. Our pre-tests provide hiring authorities will only highly qualified candidates: their rankings are based on knowledge alone. No other factors, like gender or race influence scores. The top candidates with the top skills are funneled into your inbox. From there, recruiters can make the decision to build a diverse workforce, secure in the knowledge they have the talent they need to thrive. If you’re ready to make innovation a priority in your company, and ready to make the leap to become an innovation inspiration in the industry, diversity in hiring and inclusionary work practices are key. Contact Rankdone today to find out how you can get started today.  

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