Fast IT Hires that are Great IT Hires

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    25, mar, 2017
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by Riia O’Donnell In the high-pressure world of IT, the need to fill vacancies can be more urgent than in any other department. When the tech goes down, everyone goes down, and when everyone goes down, productivity comes to a screeching halt. From networks that can’t print, emails unusable, client requests unanswered, or websites that crash, the problems can be far-reaching and have a long-term impact. The need to hire quickly is clear: the need to hire correctly is critical. Bridging the gap between an open position and a new hire that hits the ground running is a matter of assessing the skill set of the applicant. If you could reduce the average downtime a new hire requires, if you could assure every applicant you meet with meets your minimum requirements, moving the hiring process along faster and more effectively could become the norm, rather than the exception. Finding the Right IT Candidate in a Sea of Talent Filling an opening with the best talent you can afford is your top priority. The challenge for HR professionals is translating IT’s needs into cyberspace to attract the right candidates for the job. With so many other responsibilities HR holds, talking tech is low on their list of priorities. They often find themselves interviewing candidates who may be qualified, just not for the position your company needs to fill. Rankdone clients know the secret to effective IT hires in record time. It’s not about crafting an excellent advertisement. How many ads have you placed that have specifically required a skill set only to have candidates apply without that proficiency? How many times have you been told by a candidate they are qualified in one area or another, only to find later they are in no way capable? For every unqualified candidate you interview time is wasted, and the pressure increases; making it easier for you to settle for someone who can barely do the work, rather than find someone who can do it well. Screening for the Best IT Hire Rankdone’s pretests separate the wheat from the chaff. The only candidates who make it through the screening process are verified in their knowledge. Hiring professionals and department heads stop wasting time on candidates that don’t meet their qualifications. You interview people who not only are who they say they are: they can actually do what they say they can do. Rankdone’s testing verifies each candidate’s proficiency and ranks them according the competition you’ve attracted. Your only job at this point is to choose the best among the best. No Additional Work The testing process is hands-off for hiring managers. Candidates who apply for your opening are directed to the test and complete it before you view their resume. Those who take it are verified and ranked, allowing you to choose the best candidate you can afford. Rankdone users tell us their usual two to three months to fill a vacancy is reduced to 7 to 10 days. And the hires they make are qualified, long-term employees. You can reduce the time it takes to make a great hire with Rankdone skill’s testing. Find out how.        Imagem Inserida
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