Watchword for 2019: Upskilling

Vector 3d isometric ultraviolet smartphone with world hologram. Puple globe on display of electronic device. Internet connection, social network.

Whether you’re looking for talent in the technology market or in any field, the watchword for the coming year will be upskilling. With technology advancing so quickly, every industry is feeling the pull toward the future. Remote workers are accessing learning and assignments via their smartphones; desk workers are seeing new SaaS and apps shifting the way they work, communicate and collaborate. The digital revolution has begun, and those who don’t keep pace will be left behind.

For workers, digitization can mean opportunity or loss. Those who embrace the technological revolution will wonder at the ease in which they can perform their jobs; the mindless, routine tasks that can be performed by bots, freeing them up for more rewarding, impactful work. For Human Resource professionals, for example, prescreening and scheduling automation has freed up the HR pro for more meaningful work – helping employees grow and develop. In nearly every industry, tech will help us do our work better, faster and smarter, leaving the rote work for the machines as we find more satisfaction in the day’s labor.

For those who don’t heed the future’s call, the prospects can be bleak. Estimates that AI will eliminate about 2 million jobs in coming years are tempered by belief the tech will create as many jobs, as well. But will job seekers and employees have the skills to work with the tech? That’s the question many businesses are asking – will we have the talent we need to maintain productivity – even with digital advances?

The New Normal 

To keep pace, upskilling will become the new normal: employees that aren’t continuously increasing their skill sets may be left behind. Businesses that don’t stress continuous learning for their staff may go by the wayside as well. But how do you train for technology that may not even be invented as yet? The key may not be to train for the tech, but to train for the desire to learn and to keep learning, whether it’s on the job or off.

The Power of Knowledge

Can you teach people to be curious and to have the desire to keep learning? Possibly: but businesses can’t leave upskilling to chance. They must stress to employees that continuous learning is not an option – it’s a job requirement. Upskilling will need to be a duty listed on every job description: in today’s market if you’re not keeping up with what’s new and cutting-edge, you can be sure your competition is.

The challenge for many businesses is finding the skills gaps within their organization today, so they can train for current needs as well as future. Beginning with a baseline of employee knowledge, you can plan learning to meet individual needs as well as the needs of the business. Once you achieve parity today, you can begin to plan for tomorrow.

Collaborative Content Feedback Helps Upskill

Finding that starting point is critical: whether for existing employees or job seekers, a baseline of their current skills is the first step to upskilling.  With Collaborative Content Feedback from Rankdone, not only can you find where job seekers and employees are today, we’ll show you exactly what they need to learn to meet your criteria.

Some job sites simply disqualify candidates without explanation. With Rankdone Collaborative Content Feedback, candidates who don’t meet your minimum requirements are shown exactly where their skills are lacking. But Rankdone takes upskilling seriously. Collaborative Content Feedback points candidates to specific learning modules to upskill in any area that was lacking. Whether you ask job seekers to use CCF or have your current employees use the platform, you’ll know exactly what they need to learn, for today and tomorrow.

Don’t let the digital revolution leave your employees or your business behind. Let Rankdone’s Collaborate Content Feedback guide you to the learning and skills you need. Contact us today.


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