5 Ways to Turn OFF Tech Candidates

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    8, jul, 2017
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by Riia O'Donnell In a competitive marketplace, tech recruitment is challenging. Technical recruiters abound, vying for market share in the acquisition of talent for their clients. Small to large companies often try to avoid the costs of a technical recruiter and hire themselves: a smart business move as long as you aren’t aggravating the talent you hope to acquire. Here are some sure-fire ways to turn off potential tech hires: # 1: Calling Tech Professionals During Work Hours

Nothing says ‘my time is more valuable than yours’ than interrupting someone while they’re trying to get work done. Are they even able to talk freely? Trolling social media or GitHub to find talent? Great: but if their profile clearly shows they’re employed, wait until after hours to make that call – and certainly don’t email their work address.

#2 Recruiting Tech Professionals Blind

Sending out your opening to anyone in a social media group may seem like a good way to cast a wide net, but for techies – it’s a rookie move. They’ll start to ignore your posts over time, because the last 15 weren’t relevant to their skill set. Target your recruitment efforts to the right candidates if you want them to actually read the posting. If you don’t know who to approach, use a larger medium for advertising.

#3 Being Tech-Illiterate

You’ve gotten their attention – great. Now it’s time to put up or shut up. If you have no idea what you’re talking about, don’t talk to techies. Put them through to someone who does, or risk losing their interest. Techies are all about logic – they want to talk to someone who speaks their language. Your lack of tech cred is glaring – they’ll spot you in a minute and move on.

#4 Lateral Offers

One of your competitors has the PERFECT candidate for you – and you’ve found a way to reach out to them. Your offer:  same job at a different company – possibly at a larger pay rate, possibly not. Ask yourself what the candidate is asking – what’s in it for me? It’s not always about money. Tech professionals are all about lifetime learning and growth. If you can offer more than a lateral move, you’ll grab their attention and their talent. If you can’t, consider looking for a candidate one rung lower on the ladder and offer them growth.

#5 Profiling Without a Profile

Admit it, you’re looking through their online profiles before you send out a request to apply or make an effort to recruit. Again, ask yourself what they’re asking: is your online presence up-to-date? Techies want to work for companies that are (surprise, surprise) tech-savvy. If your website, social and professional media sites, and other online profiles are dated, they’ll move on. You expect applicants to put their best foot forward – they expect the same from you.

Tech professionals don’t want to waste their time (or yours) on jobs that don’t fit their skills. A great way to get past bad recruitment techniques 1 through 3 is to use Rankdone to pretest potential hires. They’ll know you’re not just recruiting blind, that you’re tech literate (or at least your tests are), and they can take the test whenever they’re comfortable. Stop turning off candidates – try Rankdone today.  Imagem Inserida
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